Pro Bono Quebec hopes to improve access to justice

Three years after Guy Pratte and Alexander De Zordo convened a meeting with the managing partners of Montreal’s top law firms and the chief justices of Quebec courts to discuss the necessity of adopting a pragmatic approach towards pro bono, the Barreau du Québec finally forged ahead and recently announced the creation of a new not-for-profit organization, making Quebec the fifth jurisdiction in Canada to adopt a coordinated approach to pro bono service delivery.

“We got the ball rolling,” De Zordo said humbly, a partner and regional chair of the Borden Ladner Gervais Pro Bono Committee in Montreal and member of the provisional board of directors of the new entity. “We found that the attribution of pro bono work was not as well structured in Quebec as in the other provinces. Everyone was in agreement.”

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3 thoughts on “Pro Bono Quebec hopes to improve access to justice

  1. cindy robinson

    hi i need to find a pro bono lawyer family court as soon as possible,montreal area

  2. Dan Kirby

    I’m in need of a Pro-Bono lawyer. Where can I contact one in the Montreal area?


    1. Luis Millán

      Pro Bono Quebec is in the midst of setting up their organization. In the meantime, you can reach Michele Moreau, the head of Pro Bono Quebec, at

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