Quebec law society disbars 84 lawyers

A staggering 84 lawyers have been disbarred by the Board of Directors of the Barreau du Québec for failing to pay their annual fees or failing to provide the legal society with their annual registration form for the year 2024.

In a notice, the Quebec Bar points out that the culpable lawyers infringed paragraph 4 of section of the Professional Code. Twenty-two of the lawyers who were stricken off the roll are retired. Here’s the list of lawyers.

An additional 10 lawyers have so far been disbarred this year by the Quebec Bar.

The Quebec law society also sanctioned a Quebecer who posed on social media as a lawyer. Megan Lalonde, who used pseudonyms and false profile photos, claiming she was a lawyer, was issued a statement of offence for illegal practice of the legal profession and fined $7,500.


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