Tag: filiation

Quebec family law reform prompts questions from experts

A proposed Quebec legislative reform that recognizes and regulates surrogacy, establishes new regulations on parentage, and aims to protect children born as a result of sexual assault has been commended by notaries but drawn mixed reaction from family law experts.

New Quebec family bill raises troubling issues

A controversial Quebec family law bill has been lauded for creating a legal framework for the use of surrogate mothers but has been slammed for scaling back trans rights and possibly opening the door to a divisive debate over the rights of a foetus.

Only two parents in Quebec, not three as elsewhere, rules Quebec Court of Appeal

A child in Quebec can legally only have two parents named in a birth certificate but that does not preclude a third person from parenting, ruled the Quebec Court of Appeal.

Surrogacy agreements illegal in Quebec

Surrogacy agreements, unlike in the rest of Canada, are illegal in Quebec, ruled a judge.

Cuckold loses bid to strike his name off child’s birth certificate

A man who discovered that he was not the biological father of a child lost his bid before the Quebec Court of Appeal to strike his name off the child’s certificate.