Quebec financial watchdog raids offices of man prohibited from promoting PlexCoin

The Quebec financial watchdog raided last week the offices of Dominic Lacroix, a Quebec City man who has been prohibited by a tribunal to promote and solicit investors for a new virtual currency called PlexCoin.

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3 thoughts on “Quebec financial watchdog raids offices of man prohibited from promoting PlexCoin

  1. In light of the Plexcoin debacle, and also being ‘cheated’ as it seems with the SEC determining irregularities.

    I thought as a gesture to offer Plex’s coins in the upcoming Invacio ICO which will become public in a short space of time.

    Unfortunately although it is common for me to be awake for 2-3 days on end i won’t be able to respond to any questions here, however follow the links, join the group at the end, and coins will be distributed with invites, and fed out in batches, the group will be our main holding base for people for when we’re ready to go active.

    You can also obtain an understanding of Invacio at before we release the white paper, including our invitation to address the United Nations, Invacio will launch post ICO on a array of releases of it’s products, so the time frame will be much more robust than normally expected.

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